
Does giving an 8-month-old baby Methylphenidate for fever have any effects?


According to the description, an 8-month-old baby can take Methylphenidate to reduce fever when the body temperature reaches 38.5 degrees. Generally, Methylphenidate is considered safe for children and is unlikely to cause side effects. However, since there can be many causes of a baby’s fever, including infections or other illnesses, it is recommended to first determine the cause of the fever before giving the baby medication. In the absence of a clear diagnosis, other methods can also be considered to help the baby reduce fever, such as alcohol wipe bathing. Additionally, increasing the baby’s nutritional intake and supplementing vitamins and trace elements can also help enhance the baby’s immunity. If the situation does not improve, it is advisable to take the baby to the hospital for a check-up in a timely manner, so as to further diagnose and treat the condition.