My 9-month-old baby has diarrhea, and I didn’t realize he had this condition. He also seems to be in low spirits. What should I do when a 9-month-old baby has diarrhea?
Infant diarrhea can be categorized into infectious and non-infectious types, which are caused by multiple pathogens and factors and manifest as a group of clinical syndromes primarily characterized by diarrhea. Generally, medication can be administered for treatment, with commonly used options including Mamylove, Peifangkang, and Lizzhuang Changle, which are oral medications used to control the symptoms of infant diarrhea. It’s best to avoid medication and ensure that the food provided can both nourish and stop diarrhea.
- If the baby is breastfed, you can shorten the duration of each feeding session, allowing the baby to consume only the first half of the milk. This is because the first half of breast milk mainly contains protein, which is easy to digest; while the latter half mainly contains fat, which is not as easy to digest. If the baby is formula-fed, it is not advisable to feed full-fat milk powder at this time; instead, use skim milk.