Does giving a 30-day-old baby jaundice medicine affect stool color?
For jaundice caused by yin and yang imbalance, Chinese herbal medicine such as Yinzhuang Huangkou Oral Liquid can be taken for adjustment. Easy-to-digest and absorbent diets, increased nutritional supplementation with vitamins and trace elements, and avoiding adverse stimulation are recommended. Newborns have an excessive number of red blood cells in their blood, and these cells have a short lifespan, making them prone to destruction and leading to an overproduction of bilirubin. Additionally, the immature liver function in newborns limits bilirubin metabolism, causing jaundice to appear in newborns for a certain period. Physiological jaundice does not require special treatment and can regress on its own. There is also a type of newborn jaundice known as breast milk jaundice. Its characteristics include a higher degree of jaundice than physiological jaundice, a longer duration of jaundice, some cases lasting up to three months. However, the baby is generally in good condition, and no other causes of jaundice are found. After stopping breastfeeding for 3 days, the jaundice decreases significantly. Breast milk jaundice is related to the intestinal reabsorption of bilirubin.