
Lately, the child has been pointed out by their boss to have a poor mental state, which has affected their work performance. The child themselves has been finding it difficult to sleep at night and occasionally experiences palpitations, worrying that such conditions may worsen and affect their physical health and work performance. They inquired about what dietary adjustments can be made when a child’s white blood cell count is low.


Based on the description, the child’s condition may be due to deficiency of Qi and Blood. In this case, methods that can be adopted include supplementing Qi and Blood, strengthening the body, and balancing the Qi and Blood. It is recommended to use Ten Full Supplement Tonic for treatment, and to pair it with the consumption of foods like pork liver and spinach, which help supplement Qi and Blood. Additionally, getting plenty of sunlight and supplementing with Vitamin AD can also help improve the child’s health condition.