
I am 36 years old and have been feeling unwell recently. Sometimes I feel dizzy during the day, which affects my work, and I can’t sleep at night. The medicine I’ve taken hasn’t worked well, so I want to ask if babies can have diaphragmatic spasm?


Based on your description, considering the possibility of diaphragmatic spasm. It is recommended that you undergo acupuncture treatment and can take medications such as Si Xiao Wan, Chen Xiang Shu Qi Wan, Metoclopramide, 654-2 tablets, and Shu Gan Jian Wei Wan for treatment. After appropriate adjustment, if the effect is still not good, it is suggested that you go to the hospital for a detailed examination and diagnosis. Additionally, regarding your bowel issues, you can eat yam to regulate your spleen and stomach. Yam will not make your stool dry and is beneficial for the spleen, lungs, and kidneys. You can buy long, thorny yams (preferably huai yam) from the market, grind them into a paste, stir them into the porridge when it’s almost cooked, and eat after boiling. Do not cook for too long to avoid destroying digestive enzymes and affecting the effect. You can also steam them to eat.