
My child is still breastfeeding, and a few days ago, I don’t know what happened, and suddenly started having diarrhea. At first, I didn’t care, but then I started to worry when I saw five bowel movements in one day. Can the baby still drink milk, and what should the child eat when they have diarrhea?


Considering your child’s condition, cold fruits may help alleviate nausea and vomiting, so it’s best to eat them in moderation. During nausea and vomiting episodes, apples can be consumed. Fruits like lychees, peaches, and longans are warm and should be eaten with caution. It’s advisable to minimize the consumption of cold fruits like watermelons, cantaloupes, pineapples, mangoes, bananas, pears, and oranges. Apple puree: Apples are also alkaline foods containing pectin and tannins that have adhesive, soothing, and anti-diarrheal effects.