Is a 6-Year-Old Child Weighing 20 Kilograms Suffering from Dwarfism?
Based on the provided information, the child’s growth and development indicators are below standard. The child’s height was 105 centimeters on May 26, 2015, and reached 110 centimeters by February 17, 2016. The parents’ heights are 160 centimeters and 173 centimeters, respectively, with the grandparents’ heights at 172 centimeters and 150 centimeters. An MRI performed on May 26, 2015, showed that the pituitary gland was approximately 3.2 millimeters in size, with the posterior pituitary presenting high signals. The pituitary stalk was located on the left side, without signs of thickening or displacement. No abnormal mixed signal mass was observed above the sella turcica, and no obvious abnormal signal foci were seen around or below the sella. Serum test results were T3 thyroxine 1.25, T4 thyroid hormone 100.43, FT3 free T3 6.39, FT4 free thyroid hormone 14.23, TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone 5.82, and CH growth hormone 2.02. Trace element test results were zinc 71.05, copper 14.71, iron 49.52, calcium 1.3, magnesium 1.14, manganese 0.32, lead 68.42, and chromium 0.1. Based on the child’s current growth situation, further examination may be needed to determine whether…