
My child, who is nine months old, started having diarrhea and vomiting yesterday. The stool test was normal, but the blood test showed a high inflammation index. The doctor prescribed symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication, anti-diarrheal medicine, and saline solution. Last night, the child started running a fever of 39.2 degrees Celsius, and the fever-reducing medicine did not seem to work effectively. The fever persists today. It’s difficult to give the child water and medicine, and the appetite is poor, with a poor mental state. Should I take the child to the hospital again or continue to observe and administer medication at home?


If the child’s diarrhea is caused by catching a cold, it is recommended to take Montmorillonite powder and pair it with digestive aids. When the child has a fever, if the hospital is far away, physical cooling methods can be used, such as wiping the child’s neck, armpits, inner thigh, and back with warm water. Additionally, fever-reducing medicine can be administered. When caring for the child at night, it is important to check the temperature regularly to prevent overheating and to ensure that any high fever is detected in a timely manner, as prolonged high fever is detrimental to the child.