
My child is a 1-year-old boy. Initially, he had a slight sore throat, and I noticed that when he talks, his voice is a bit hoarse, and he also has a bit of a fever and lacks energy. What should I do to treat the red and swollen tonsillitis in children?


The treatment of pediatric tonsillitis can involve selecting sensitive antibiotic medications based on bacterial culture, as well as regional treatments such as tonsil crypt irrigation, tonsil intravenous drug injection, and laser therapy. If the child’s main symptom is throat pain, parents can consider giving some painkillers to relieve the discomfort. If there is a fever, choose a method to lower the temperature based on the body temperature; for temperatures below 38.5 degrees Celsius, physical cooling methods can be used, while oral fever-reducing medication can be taken for temperatures above 38.5 degrees Celsius. If your child frequently experiences this condition, consider surgical treatment after the condition is controlled to avoid recurrence. Finally, I hope that parents can pay attention to this disease, take their children to the hospital for treatment as soon as possible, and also pay attention to doing related preventive and health care work in daily life.