
My one-year-old baby’s eyebrow was knocked, and it swelled up and became bruised at the time. After sleeping, the swelling went down, and the bruise became lighter day by day. Now, it’s almost two weeks later, and there is a small hard lump the size of a soybean at the knocked area, with a bit of redness. I’m wondering if this small lump will go down? I’m a bit worried that this lump won’t go down. How should I handle it?


Hello, based on your above question. Generally speaking, the small hard lump you mentioned may be reparative fibrosis that occurs after regional injury. If this lump is quite large, it is best to have an MRI done to see if it has already formed a scar, as it may not be completely absorbed. It is recommended to bring your child to the hospital for an examination to avoid any harm to the child over time.