
My daughter is 7 years old. She recently started to complain of a sore throat when talking, and I noticed her coughing seems more severe, and she also has a bit of a fever and lacks energy. I would like to know: What dietary items should children with tonsillitis avoid when they have a fever?


If your child has tonsillitis, it’s important not only to treat the condition promptly but also to be mindful of their diet. It’s recommended to include fresh fruits and vegetables in their meals to supplement vitamins and trace elements, which can enhance their immunity. For instance, fruits like pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed more frequently. Focus on easy-to-digest and easy-to-swallow foods, such as porridge or soft bread products. Also, avoid giving your child spicy or irritating foods, and help them break the habit of being picky or refusing to eat, ensuring they absorb a well-rounded diet.