
My daughter is 6 years old. She recently started saying her throat hurts, and I noticed she has been coughing quite severely. Now, she has a persistent high fever. What dietary taboos should be observed for children with tonsillitis and red swelling?


Children’s tonsils are prone to inflammation, and it is important to seek medical attention and treatment as soon as possible. For diet, it is recommended to focus on light foods like vegetables and fruits. These foods are not only rich in vitamins and trace elements but also help boost immunity. They are also relatively light, such as apples and kiwis, which have the additional benefits of resolving phlegm and moistening the lungs, which can be very helpful for tonsillitis. It is also advisable to choose easily digestible foods; for example, cooking porridge or softening noodles can be very suitable for children during the treatment period. At the same time, parents should also pay attention not to let their children eat any spicy or irritating foods. Finally, parents should help their children develop good living habits, maintain regular routines, engage in moderate exercise, and improve immunity, which can greatly reduce the incidence of diseases.