
Dear Parent, my daughter is only 6 months old and has just started to feel a bit of pain in her throat. She seems to have difficulty swallowing and is a bit feverish and lacks energy. What are the dietary principles for infants with tonsillitis?


It is very important to follow a proper diet for the quick recovery of your child’s tonsillitis. Firstly, ensure your child consumes plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in nutrients that can boost the child’s immunity, thereby aiding in the repair of the tonsils. For example, pears and apples have cooling and anti-inflammatory properties and can be consumed more frequently. For daily meals, opt for easily digestible foods such as congee and noodles. Also, make sure to drink plenty of plain water and avoid eating spicy or easily irritant foods like beef, mutton, and dog meat. Seafood should also be consumed sparingly or not at all. Lastly, parents should help their children develop good living habits, maintain regular sleep schedules, engage in moderate exercise, and enhance immunity to greatly reduce the likelihood of disease occurrence.