
Dear Sir, my son is 5 years old. In recent weeks, I’ve noticed that he is much heavier than other children, and he seems to eat without any control, often lying down after meals. How should we treat a child who is overweight and doesn’t like vegetables?


To change the symptoms of obesity in children, it is important to provide them with a reasonable exercise and diet plan. For children with obesity, more aerobic exercises such as climbing hills and swimming are recommended. During this period, encourage your child to eat more foods like cucumbers, tomatoes, and kiwis. Avoid giving high-calorie foods like cookies, macadamias, and small cakes to your child. Strictly control your child’s diet to prevent overeating. More physical activity is beneficial for changing a child’s obesity. During the treatment of obesity, parents should conduct reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is necessary to go to the hospital to investigate the cause and receive targeted treatment.