
The child is 2 years and 4 months old. They were treated and recovered on April 20, 2013, but have been infected again this year. They started with a low fever of 38 degrees Celsius. On the second day, the fever rose to 38.8 degrees Celsius. Considering it might be caused by bronchitis, you can try giving the child Maigan Granules and Qingzhu Liquid Oral Solution. If the blood count is high, antibiotic treatment should be considered, such as the Azithromycin Dispersible Tablets. Encourage the child to drink plenty of water, ensure good indoor ventilation, and gradually improve. There are many reasons for respiratory system issues in children. If the child is diagnosed with a pediatric respiratory system issue, parents need to actively cooperate with the doctor’s treatment, coordinate with gastrointestinal decompression, and develop good hygiene habits. The child should have a reasonable diet and avoid stimulating and cold foods.


After a child is infected with mycoplasma, it can be tried to use Maigan Granules and Qingzhu Liquid Oral Solution for treatment, while also paying attention to observe blood count changes. If necessary, antibiotics such as Azithromycin Dispersible Tablets can be used. In addition, maintain good indoor ventilation, let the child drink plenty of water, and pay attention to dietary hygiene and a balanced diet.