
A child around 5 years old has been complaining of leg pain recently. Why does the baby’s foot tremble?


Hello, considering the possibility of calcium deficiency, which sometimes manifests as pain, excessive sweating, or spasms, a blood calcium test can help with diagnosis. You can take calcium supplements like Gaozhonggai, which is reported to be effective. Increase intake of high-calcium foods such as fish and bone soup. Pay attention to rest and nutrition. If the baby is not showing any discomfort symptoms at the moment, there may be no need for medication treatment. Normally, give the baby more high-calcium foods, expose them to sunlight to enhance calcium absorption, ensure the baby has sufficient sleep, and diversify their diet. If the baby has poor appetite, you can give them oral medications to regulate their spleen and stomach function, such asJianpi San granules and Erbao Granules. Wishing the baby grows up strong and healthy.