
Dear parents, my daughter is just over 1 year old, and we’ve noticed that she has been gaining weight throughout this year. She can eat a lot in one meal, and even when we encourage her to exercise, she’s not interested. How can we handle the situation of obesity in children who don’t like to eat vegetables?


When a child is diagnosed with obesity, parents can increase their child’s physical activity and control their dietary habits. Parents should supervise their child’s participation in aerobic exercises such as jogging, swimming, and encourage them to consume high-fiber foods like spinach and carrots, avoiding high-fat foods such as fried chicken and cakes. Additionally, it’s crucial to change the child’s habit of not enjoying exercise to prevent fat accumulation. During the treatment of obesity, parents should provide reasonable treatment based on their child’s condition, and if the situation is severe, they must go to the hospital for relevant examinations and treatment.