
My baby is 8 months old and has a cold, cough, and diarrhea. He started with a runny nose, then coughing, and after receiving a shot, he had diarrhea. What should I do?


When a child experiences diarrhea, in addition to receiving appropriate treatment, it is also very important to be cautious about their diet. Avoid foods that can cause bloating, such as tofu, dried tofu, soy milk, mung beans, adzuki beans, etc. Drinking too much milk can also lead to intestinal bloating, so consumption should be limited. However, yogurt contains lactic acid bacteria that can inhibit harmful bacteria in the intestines and is safe to eat. There are many reasons for respiratory system issues in children. If a child is diagnosed with a respiratory system disease, parents need to cooperate with the doctor for immediate treatment, gastrointestinal decompression, and the development of good hygiene habits. The child should have a balanced diet and avoid irritating and cold foods.