
Dear parents, my daughter is currently 7 years old. This year, I’ve noticed that my child has gained a lot of weight. She can eat several bowls of rice in one meal, and she’s not willing to exercise. How should pediatric obesity be diagnosed and treated?


When a child is diagnosed with obesity, parents can increase their child’s physical activity and control their diet to change the symptoms. Arrange swimming, jogging, and other sports within the child’s tolerance range. Foods like carrots and spinach can also help with weight loss. Children should not eat high-calorie foods such as cakes and macadamia nuts. Avoid allowing children to snack in bed or lie down immediately after eating, as these bad habits can also lead to fat accumulation. If the above methods do not alleviate the child’s symptoms during the treatment of obesity, it is important to go to the hospital promptly to investigate the cause and avoid the disease from worsening.