
My child is a 5-year-old boy. Recently, I’ve noticed that he has gained more weight and seems to eat without any control. He usually doesn’t like to play and go out. How should we treat his obesity effectively if he loves eating meat?


To address your child’s obesity, it’s essential to encourage physical activity and a balanced diet. Arrange for your child to engage in sports like swimming and jogging within their tolerance level. Vegetables like carrots and spinach can also be helpful in changing obesity. Prohibit high-calorie, high-fat foods such as cakes, dried fruits, and cookies. Avoid letting your child snack in bed or lie down immediately after eating, as these bad habits can also lead to fat accumulation. If the above methods do not alleviate your child’s obesity symptoms, it’s important to consult a hospital promptly to identify the cause and prevent the condition from worsening.