
What kind of staple foods are more suitable for individuals with gestational diabetes?


Hello, gestational diabetes refers to the abnormal glucose tolerance that appears for the first time during pregnancy. Patients should seek medical treatment promptly. The diagnostic criteria include fasting blood glucose levels exceeding 7.0 mmol/L and postprandial blood glucose levels exceeding 11.1 mmol/L two hours after a meal. Further measurements are required to confirm diabetes. Once diagnosed, active treatment should be pursued to avoid any impact on the mother and fetus. Maintaining good health will not affect the child’s health. In terms of diet, it is recommended to choose low-glycemic index (GI) staple foods such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, and oatmeal to stabilize blood sugar levels. At the same time, ensure adequate intake of fiber and protein, and control the total carbohydrate intake. Regularly monitor blood sugar levels and adjust the dietary plan according to your doctor’s advice.