
Why does my 11-month-old child’s left leg hurt after weaning?


Lately, the child has been crying a lot and not eating much. What could be the reason why my 11-month-old child’s left leg is a bit sore after weaning? Your situation might be due to a calcium deficiency. It is recommended to supplement with calcium and yogurt, which is also a very good calcium-rich food. Not only does it provide calcium, but it also contains beneficial bacteria that can regulate intestinal function, suitable for all ages. Clinically, it is necessary to test the baby’s trace elements. If diagnosed with a calcium deficiency, timely supplementation with Icodextrin one tablet per day and Sanjing Gluconate Calcium one vial per day can be effective, as Icodextrin can promote the absorption and utilization of calcium. In addition, when adding new complementary foods to the diet, eating more eggs and dairy products is recommended.