
Newborns store iron primarily from the mother. Full-term infants have limited iron storage, enough for about four to five months of blood production after birth. Premature infants and multiples receive even less iron from the mother. The smaller the gestational age and the more babies, the less iron stored in the body. Full-term infants can start adding egg yolk to their main diet around 3 to 4 months after birth, while premature infants and multiples can begin after the first month.


Newborns store iron primarily from the mother. Full-term infants have limited iron storage, enough for about four to five months of blood production after birth. Premature infants and multiples receive even less iron from the mother. The smaller the gestational age and the more babies, the less iron stored in the body. Full-term infants can start adding egg yolk to their main diet around 3 to 4 months after birth, while premature infants and multiples can begin after the first month.