What diseases can pediatric surgery treat, and which symptoms fall under pediatric internal medicine? What should be done when a child’s lymph nodes swell and intravenous fluids are ineffective?
If a child has recently had a cold, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, or other acute or chronic infectious diseases, there may be swelling and tenderness of the cervical lymph nodes, even purulent lymph nodes, which require anti-infection treatment. Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, is a condition where the patient has an extra chromosome 21 (normally one pair). Down syndrome screening is done by measuring the levels of AFP and HCG in the pregnant woman’s serum, combined with the woman’s age, weight, and gestational age to calculate the risk value. The critical value is 1/275. A value greater than this indicates a high risk, while a value less than this indicates a low risk.