
My baby is 1 year and 9 months old and has been crying a lot recently, and doesn’t eat much. What should I do?


Your baby’s condition may be caused by a weakened spleen and stomach, with symptoms including bloating, stomachache, hiccups, decreased appetite, and abdominal distension after meals. It is recommended to use Chinese medicine Xiangsha Liujun Wan for treatment, which can help improve the symptoms. At the same time, your baby’s diet should be light and avoid spicy foods. If the baby accidentally takes too much medication, it may lead to gastrointestinal dysfunction, causing symptoms such as vomiting or diarrhea. At this time, drink plenty of water and observe your baby’s reaction. Usually, there’s no major problem if it’s not severe. However, if the situation is serious, you should take your baby to the hospital for examination and treatment.