
The child has been crying and not eating much lately. Please ask how much lactulose a 7-month-old child should take if their stool is thick, dry, hard, and bloody.


Your situation may be due to dryness and intestinal dryness, where fluid deficiency leads to the intestines losing moisture and failing to conduct properly, manifesting primarily as constipation with dry stools and difficult bowel movements, along with symptoms of fluid deficiency. This condition is also known as intestinal fluid deficiency syndrome. With excessive heat in the intestines, you can treat it with Beni Tong tea. This situation is generally considered to be constipation caused by the child’s indigestion and internal heat. Suggestions include: It is recommended that you give the child a suitable amount of pediatric Qixing tea or Wangshi Baohesi Pill, along with lactulose to improve the condition. Additionally, if necessary, you can use a glycerin suppository.