
What is the normal forehead temperature for newborns? My baby just arrived, and there are red spots on their body, and they are vomiting. Is this normal?


The normal forehead temperature for newborns should be determined based on actual measurements. Typically, there are three measurement sites: oral, armpit, and rectum. The normal body temperature ranges from 36.5℃ to 37.5℃ when measured rectally; from 36.2℃ to 37.3℃ when measured orally; and from 35.9℃ to 37.2℃ when measured axillaryly. Your baby may have red spots and vomiting due to a deficiency of vitamins or trace elements. It is recommended to supplement with a multivitamin tablet or use 21 Jin Wei Ta for the child, while also drinking more water and eating more vegetables and fruits, which can help improve the symptoms.