
My child has been crying a lot lately and not eating much. What should I feed my baby for dry stools?


Hello, make sure to give your baby plenty of water. Eat more fruits and vegetables, and give your child more bananas to help with digestion. When feeding the baby formula, add a little glucose. For cooling purposes. As winter approaches, the weather becomes dry, and children are more prone to internal heat. Therefore, you can give your baby Maitake pork rib soup. Additionally, you can offer kelp and pork rib soup to your baby. Your situation may be due to dryness in the intestines, fluid depletion, intestines losing moisture, and transmission failure, manifested mainly by dry stools, difficult defecation, and symptoms of fluid depletion. Also known as large intestine fluid depletion syndrome due to excessive internal heat. Biantong tea can be used for treatment.