
Is it normal for a newborn’s faeces to have a stinky smell? If it’s due to dyspepsia, what are the solutions?


A newborn’s faeces with a stinky smell may be caused by dyspepsia, usually due to the baby’s underdeveloped gastrointestinal tract, which cannot fully digest food. If the situation is not severe, it can be resolved by adjusting the baby’s diet, such as reducing milk intake and increasing easily digestible foods like millet porridge, sugar and salt water. If the condition is more severe, some medication can be administered under the doctor’s advice, such as traditional Chinese medicine Baohuo pills or Western medicine tannic acid protein, to help the baby digest. Additionally, parents can massage the baby’s abdomen to help the baby expel gas and reduce discomfort from bloating. If the baby’s dyspepsia persists or worsens, it is important to take the baby to see a doctor promptly to avoid affecting the baby’s healthy growth.