
A 7-year-old boy has recently been experiencing a sore throat and severe cough, along with a persistent high fever. What should be paid attention to in terms of diet when a child has tonsillitis and a sore throat?


Children’s tonsils are prone to inflammation, and once they do, it’s important to seek medical attention and treatment promptly. In terms of diet, it’s recommended to focus on vegetables and fruits as these are lighter and rich in various nutrients, which can help boost the child’s immunity. Suggested fruits include pears and apples, while vegetables can include greens, cabbage, and tomatoes, with adjustments made according to the child’s preferences. Daily meals should be light, easy to digest, and easy to swallow, such as congee or noodles. Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid giving children foods like beef, mutton, poultry eggs, seafood, as well as spicy and hot dishes like hotpot. Apart from medical treatment, parents should also help their children develop good eating and living habits, which can aid in a quicker recovery.