
My son is 6 years old, and I’ve recently noticed that he’s been getting fatter. He doesn’t control his eating, and he likes to lie around. How should I treat his obesity effectively if he loves eating meat?


When a child is suffering from obesity, increasing the child’s level of physical activity and controlling their diet are effective methods to change the symptoms. You can arrange for your child to engage in aerobic exercises like swimming or jogging, and increase their intake of fruits rich in vitamin C, such as apples and kiwis. It’s not advisable to let your child consume high-calorie foods like cakes and macadamia nuts, and strictly control their diet to avoid overeating. Increasing physical activity is beneficial for improving the child’s obesity. If the above methods do not improve the child’s obesity symptoms, it is important to seek medical advice promptly to determine the cause and avoid the worsening of the condition.