
Dear Baby, she is just 8 years old. Recently, I’ve noticed that she has been getting fatter and fatter, and she’s eating more and more, and she’s particularly lazy. How should we treat child obesity when the child loves eating meat?


When a child is suffering from obesity, parents can increase their child’s physical activity and control their diet to change the symptoms. Activities like swimming and climbing hills can have a good effect on the symptoms of obesity. Parents should encourage their children to eat more fruits like apples, kiwis, and carrots, and avoid giving their children high-calorie foods such as cookies, macadamia nuts, and small cakes. Moreover, if the child likes to lie down after eating, parents must help correct this bad behavior. During the treatment of obesity, parents should conduct reasonable treatment based on their child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is essential to go to the hospital to determine the cause and receive targeted treatment.