
A child around 5 years old, recently, for some unknown reason, often complains of leg pain. Please ask what could be the reason for a baby to have normal trace elements but pigeon chest?


It is necessary to conduct a comprehensive analysis based on age, symptoms, and feeding conditions, and make an accurate judgment according to the wrist X-ray. If necessary, combine with trace elements, but do not blindly supplement calcium. It should be known that calcium supplementation is not without risk; supplementing calcium when it is not needed can lead to early closure of the fontanelle and sutures, affecting skull growth, and in severe cases, can cause internal organ stones. With the development of the economy and the widespread use of antibiotics, infectious diseases of the bones have become rare, and there are now very few cases of children with disabilities due to post-polio sequelae. Modern pediatric research mainly focuses on congenital malformations in children, malformations after cerebral palsy and neuromuscular diseases, and pediatric bone fractures, etc.