
My daughter is 9 years old. This year, I’ve noticed that she has gained more weight, and she’s eating more and more, plus she doesn’t like to exercise. How should we treat pediatric obesity and overweight?


Firstly, for pediatric obesity, it’s important to establish an exercise routine and change the diet. You can start by teaching her to swim, as the resistance of water during swimming is much greater than that of air during land-based exercises, which helps burn fat more effectively. In terms of diet, encourage her to eat more foods like cucumbers, carrots, and spinach. She should avoid high-calorie foods such as cakes and macadamia nuts. Strictly control her diet to prevent overeating. Regular exercise is beneficial for changing her obesity condition. If the above methods do not alleviate your child’s obesity symptoms, it’s important to go to the hospital to find out the cause promptly to avoid the condition worsening.