
A boy, just turned 3 years old, recently, I’ve noticed that my child’s weight is much heavier than that of other children. Additionally, he seems to eat excessively. He usually doesn’t like to play and prefers eating. How should pediatric obesity and overweight be diagnosed and treated?


Pediatric obesity can initially be addressed by establishing an exercise regimen and modifying the child’s diet. It can be arranged for the child to engage in aerobic exercises such as swimming or jogging, and in terms of diet, provide the child with foods like cucumbers, carrots, and spinach. Avoid giving the child high-fat foods like fried chicken or cakes, and do not allow him to overeat or binge. During the treatment of obesity, parents should provide reasonable treatment based on the child’s condition. If the condition is severe, it is essential to seek medical attention to determine the cause and seek treatment.