
A 69-year-old female diabetic patient, diagnosed for 5 years, initially controlled her blood sugar through diet and exercise for the first 4 years. However, in the past year, her blood sugar control has deteriorated, and she inquires about the appropriate hypoglycemic medication treatment.


It is recommended to choose glimepiride combined with gliclazide, and continue to adhere to dietary and exercise therapies. Diabetes is categorized into Type 1, Type 2, and other special types. Childhood diabetes is primarily based on Type 1 diabetes. The treatment for Type 1 diabetes includes medication, dietary control, blood sugar monitoring data, and activity levels. Children with Type 1 diabetes need to understand the disease to master the techniques, develop a healthy and regular lifestyle, and inject insulin on time and in the correct dosage. They also need to test their blood sugar levels daily to understand the situation of blood sugar control and adjust the treatment plan in a timely manner.