
My child is around 5 years old and has been complaining about leg pain recently. I don’t know what’s wrong. How should I correct the baby’s toe walking?


Hello, considering the possibility of calcium deficiency, which sometimes manifests as pain, excessive sweating, or spasms, you can do a blood calcium test to help diagnose the condition. You can take calcium tablets such as Gaozhonggai, which are more effective. Consume more foods high in calcium, such as fish and bone broth. Pay attention to rest and nutrition. If the condition does not improve after 4-6 weeks, you can switch to manual manipulation and plaster casting. The manipulation method: under general anesthesia, the child lies on their back with the affected hip and knee joint each Bend90°, traction along the long axis of the thigh, while pressing on the greater trochanter area to fit the femoral head into the acetabulum. After achieving correction, maintain the affected limb in an extended position for 4 weeks and avoid early walking to prevent recurrence.