
Dear Baby, she is just 8 years old, this year, I have noticed that my child’s weight is much heavier than that of other children. At the same time, she has become increasingly greedy for food recently, and she is unwilling to exercise. Please ask: How should we treat childhood obesity and what are the best effects?


When a child develops obesity, parents should alleviate the symptoms by encouraging physical activity and a healthy diet. They can arrange swimming or jogging as aerobic exercises for the child, and during this period, let the child eat vegetables that are beneficial for improving obesity, such as winter melon and green beans. Avoid feeding the child high-calorie, high-fat foods like hamburgers, French fries, and cookies. Also, do not let the child fall asleep immediately after eating or lie on the sofa to eat snacks. If the child’s condition is severe during the treatment of pediatric obesity, parents should go to the hospital in time and treat the child under the guidance of a doctor.