
Can infantile spasms be cured?


Infantile spasms are actually a special type of epilepsy that occurs during infancy, most frequently in children aged 3 to 7 months. The causes of the condition may include birth injuries, neonatal asphyxia, viral encephalitis, intrauterine infection, congenital toxoplasmosis, congenital brain developmental malformations, and certain metabolic diseases. In addition to generalized convulsions, infantile spasms can also lead to intellectual disabilities in children. Once diagnosed, immediate treatment is essential, as the sooner treatment begins, the less brain damage the child may sustain. Over 90% of affected children experience a delay or regression in intellectual and motor development following the onset of the condition. Antiepileptic treatment generally requires a long-term medication regimen of 2 to 4 years, and the side effects of Western medicine may exacerbate the impact on the child’s intellectual development. It is crucial to cooperate with a doctor for a long-term treatment plan to achieve significant treatment outcomes and relief of symptoms.