
Can epilepsy cerebral palsy in children be cured? | How to treat it?


  1. The best approach to cerebral palsy treatment is “early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment,” with the optimal period being before 6 months of age, when the highest rate of normalization is achieved. The next best time is before 1 year old, followed by before the age of 3. After 3 years old, the blood-brain barrier forms, making it difficult for medication to act on the brain, thus significantly reducing the effectiveness of treatment. Your child is now over 2 years old, so it’s crucial to act quickly.
  2. Treatment methods include simple rehabilitation training, surgery, traditional Chinese medicine treatment combined with rehabilitation training, and cell transplantation. From the perspective of treatment methods, all require the cooperate with of rehabilitation training. In terms of effectiveness, the best results are seen with traditional Chinese medicine combined with rehabilitation training.