
How many times a day does a seven-month-old baby have seizures, each lasting one to two seconds, accompanied by flushed cheeks and a tense body, but then returns to normal with clear consciousness? Parents are concerned about the baby’s health and ask about possible causes.


According to the parents’ description, the baby’s symptoms may be caused by breath-holding, but it is also possible that there is an abnormal discharge in the brain. If the baby has an abnormal birth history, such as asphyxia, meconium-stained amniotic fluid, fetal distress, etc., greater caution should be exercised. It is recommended to have the baby undergo an EEG to determine the cause of the illness and receive timely treatment. Incorrect diagnosis and treatment may lead to severe consequences. Parents should closely monitor the baby’s condition and bring them to the hospital for examination immediately if any abnormalities are detected.