
How to treat pediatric epilepsy seizures?


The treatment of pediatric epilepsy seizures includes following medical instructions, maintaining a good lifestyle, avoiding overexertion, insufficient sleep, and emotional excitement, and maintaining a healthy diet. During treatment, avoid overeating and under-eating, consume light and non-spicy foods, and quit smoking and drinking. Additionally, keep a positive mood, engage in appropriate activities and work, pay attention to safety, and have someone accompany you when going out. Patients should carry a medical treatment card and a first-aid kit at all times, and reduce medication dosage gradually under the guidance of a doctor. Sudden discontinuation or change of medication may trigger a persistent state of epilepsy. Eliminating triggers such as high fever, alcohol consumption, fever, overexertion, insomnia, irregular diet, and photoelectric stimulation is crucial for controlling the condition. For young children, it is recommended to use Debakin syrup in combination with traditional Chinese medicine treatments such as Wulong Nao Kang to quickly control symptoms. For any inquiries, feel free to contact for consultation.