
Facial paralysis on the right side, a sequelae from when I was a child with a mouth turn. The right side cannot wrinkle the forehead, raise the eyebrows, or blink. The onset was in 2000 when I was 6 years old, and I noticed I couldn’t chew food normally while eating in the morning. I have taken traditional Chinese medicine and massaged, used snake skin paste, and there have been improvements but no cure. Later, I stopped treatment altogether.


There are many methods for treating facial paralysis, including applying medicinal plasters (which are often secret recipes and many are quite effective, such as Face Paralysis Cure), acupuncture (which is also quite effective but it’s best to find an experienced doctor), oral traditional Chinese medicine therapy, Western medicine treatment, and common physical therapy methods. Many of these can be used as auxiliary treatments. As long as the treatment is timely and the method is appropriate, the condition can definitely be cured. Maintaining a good mindset is even more beneficial for the treatment.