
The child is nine years old. At the age of three, they had a seizure triggered by a fever. This year, on the morning of October 29th, they experienced convulsions and purple lips while sleeping. I would like to ask if it is feasible to treat epilepsy with Chinese medicine? Is this a case of epilepsy?


There are many methods for treating epilepsy, and medication can only control the condition but not cure it. Chinese medicine treatment for epilepsy is slower in effect and may cause side effects with long-term use. It is recommended to visit a regular, professional epilepsy hospital to choose an appropriate treatment method based on individual conditions. Beijing Jundu Hospital’s “Short-wave Shock Therapy” is the latest international epilepsy treatment technology, which does not require surgery, has no large-scale trauma, and no side effects. This therapy can quickly and accurately locate the abnormal discharge position of brain cells and suppress abnormal discharge through short-wave shock equipment, thereby achieving the goal of treating epilepsy.