
My child is over two years old and has encephalitis and epilepsy. He is currently taking valproate sodium and vitamins B12 and B6. Do we need to take any other medications?


Hello, the treatment of a child’s epilepsy must consider both the efficacy of the medication and its potential side effects, as well as the child’s tolerance. Epilepsy treatment is a chronic process, and family members need to have confidence in the treatment. Epilepsy is not an incurable disease; with active treatment and reasonable medication, as well as a scientific treatment plan, healing effects can be seen. We hope that epilepsy patients can actively face their condition and quickly get rid of the disturbances caused by seizures and their prodromes. For epilepsy, the most reliable prevention is to take anti-epileptic drugs on time and in the correct dosage. Once diagnosed with epilepsy, it is important to control seizures and prevent recurrences as early as possible. Because the more frequent and longer the seizures, the more it means an enhancement of the existing seizure focus. Since Western medicine anti-epileptic drugs have significant side effects and many patients find it difficult to tolerate them, it is advisable to learn more about Chinese medicine therapies. Consider a combination of Western and Chinese medicine or treatment based on the pathogenesis. Chinese medicine emphasizes dialectical treatment, which is more rigorous. Different types of onset and individual constitutions require different treatments. Generally, treatments like calming wind, calming the liver and draining fire, removing phlegm to open orifices, and promoting blood circulation to remove stasis are adopted to treat the disease fundamentally. For more questions, please consult further. Wishing for a quick recovery.