
A parent of a child with epilepsy from Shuangliu said that their family is very poor. However, their four-year-old child was diagnosed with congenital epilepsy in October 2013. They all hope that the child can receive scientific treatment and recover health as soon as possible. Now that they have managed to gather 10,000 yuan, they want to start the treatment for the child as soon as possible, so they want to know if 10,000 yuan is enough?


Epilepsy, commonly known as “sheep-epilepsy,” refers to a comprehensive syndrome characterized by sudden, transient disturbances in brain function, leading to convulsive seizures of the whole body or regional muscle twitching. It can be divided into primary (of unknown cause) and secondary types. The latter can be caused by various conditions such as incomplete brain development, encephalitis, meningitis, brain parasitosis, cerebrovascular disease, brain tumor, and brain trauma. It can also be caused by systemic diseases such as uremia and abnormally high or low blood sugar levels. Overexertion, hunger or overeating, intense emotional stimulation, and alcoholism can all trigger seizures. Treatment methods include: 1. Intravenous injection of diazepam (Valium) 10-20 mg; if ineffective, repeat every 1-2 hours, up to 3-4 times; for refractory cases, continue with 40-60 mg added to 500 ml of 10% glucose solution for intravenous infusion; 2. Intramuscular injection of phenobarbital sodium 0.1-0.2 grams; 3. Nasal administration of 10% chloral hydrate 10 ml;