
What should I do if my child has a recurring fever for two days and feels cold?


If a child has a fever for more than two days and is accompanied by symptoms of feeling cold, parents are advised to take their child to a doctor for examination under the following circumstances:

  • If the fever lasts for more than 3 days, a chest X-ray and blood routine test are recommended to determine if there is a bacterial infection.
  • If bacterial infection is present, treatment with antibiotics such as penicillin may be necessary.
  • If the infection is viral, it is generally not recommended to use antibiotics, and symptomatic antipyretic treatment should be the main approach.
  • If the child is diagnosed with a pediatric respiratory system disease, treatment should be coordinated with the doctor, including gastrointestinal decompression and good hygiene habits. Additionally, the child’s diet should be reasonable, avoiding irritating and cold foods.