
Dear parents, my son is 8 years old and recently, I’ve noticed that he seems to be getting fatter. Moreover, he eats as if he has no self-control; he usually doesn’t like to go out to play. How should we treat childhood obesity laziness?


When a child becomes overweight, parents should establish a set of exercise plans and a healthy diet for their child. For childhood obesity, engaging in more aerobic exercises such as climbing hills, swimming, and so on is recommended. Additionally, encourage your child to eat more high-fiber foods like spinach and carrots, and avoid giving them high-calorie, high-fat foods such as hamburgers, fries, and cookies. Strictly control your child’s diet to prevent overeating and encourage more physical activity, as this is beneficial in changing their obesity status. During the treatment period, parents should always pay attention to their child’s condition. In severe cases, treatment should be conducted under a doctor’s guidance; do not treat blindly.