
My baby is 10 months and 30 days old, and has a cold with severe coughing. The doctor prescribed guaifenesin granules, erythromycin, and a small child’s decongestant cough syrup. After two days of taking the medicine, there was improvement, but the symptoms suddenly worsened after stopping the medication, becoming even worse than the first day. What should I do?


A cough is a defensive response to clear respiratory tract irritants. A mild inflammatory condition can cause a dry, irritant cough, which can be treated symptomatically with cough suppressants. However, before treating a cough, it is important to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the condition to determine the cause and select the appropriate medication. Cough treatment medications are primarily classified into three categories: cough suppressants, expectorants, and bronchodilators. When choosing medication, it is important to select drugs that have minimal side effects and are safe and reliable for children.