
Detailed Condition and Purpose of Inquiry: The newborn has had stool with purulent blood for 4-5 days and has taken medication, now showing a yellow, mucoid stool. Primarily seeking advice on medication. Duration of Current Illness: 4-5 days Current General Condition: Currently in good spirits Medical History: Has eczema Previous Diagnosis and Treatment Experience and Effectiveness: Used snake oil ointment Auxiliary Examinations: None


  1. Maintain a room temperature of approximately 24-26°C with humidity at 55-60%. Ensure fresh indoor air, ample sunlight, and air out the room twice a day, while avoiding drafts.
  2. Bathe and change clothes daily. Be gentle during bathing and clean the skin creases thoroughly. Choose loose, soft cotton clothing, change diapers frequently, and keep the body clean and dry.
  3. Strictly implement disinfection and isolation procedures. Nursing staff must adhere to sterile techniques to prevent cross-infection. Since impetigo is contagious, isolate patients with impetigo, using one basin, towel, and body thermometer for each person during bathing.
  4. After handling, thoroughly disinfect hands. Disinfect the ward with ultraviolet light twice a day for 30 minutes each time. Mop the floors with 1000mg/L chlorine disinfectant twice a day, wipe the bedding with 0.5% peracetic acid, and perform terminal disinfection on the bedding after the patient’s discharge.